Internet quiz

16 November 2017

Сроки подведения итогов, определение победителей:30.10.2016 – 06.11.2016.

Торжественное награждение победителей викторины:11.11.2016.

По всем интересующим вопросам можно обращаться  по тел.: 8 (81757) 3-14-79,


From September 29 to October 29, 2016

This quiz will be held from September 29 to October 29, 2016, on the official pages and in the communities of the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve in the social networking sites “VKontakte”, “Facebook” and “Odnoklassiniki”.

Participants of the Internet quiz will have to fulfill 24 tasks that will be posted in the social networking sites twice a week: on Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. (Moscow time).


- community

- personal page


- community


- community

- personal page

Each task will contain three questions. You are to send answers to the questions of the online quiz in the social networking sites in a personal message to the manager of the group and the page of the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve.

You have not more than 24 hours after the publication to fulfill the task. Answers won’t be accepted once this period expires.

Correct answers to the questions of the Internet quiz will be published in the above mentioned social networking sites and on the official website of the museum in the section “News” in three days after the expiry date of the fulfillment of each task. Results of the quiz will be published in 7 days after its conclusion.

Each participant of the Internet quiz will get a letter of gratitude from the organizer in electronic format.

Prize-winners of the quiz (1st, 2nd, 3rd places) will be awarded souvenirs and a free season ticket (for a year, half a year and a quarter of a year respectively) for all permanent and temporary exhibitions and events in the museum.

Terms of summing up and determination of winners: 30.10.2016 – 06.11.2016.

Award ceremony of the quiz winners: 11.11.2016.

For further information, please, call: +79217227584, +7 (81757) 3-14-79.