The teachers of history and social sciences from the Kirillov district gathered in the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve on March 3. The topic of the seminar was “Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Requirements to Personal, Metasubject and Subject Results of Historical Education.
Employees of the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve and its branch - the Museum of Dionisy’s Frescoes, participated in the Interregional Scientific Conference “Seventh Kirillo-Novoezersky Readings” that was held in the Belozersk Regional Local History Museum.
Сотрудники Кирилло-Белозерского музея-заповедника и его филиала Музея фресок Дионисия приняли участие в межрегиональной конференции «VII Кирилло-Новоезерские чтения», которая проходила на базе Белозерского областного краеведческого музея.
The envelope was published by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Publishing and Trading Centre “Marka” in late 2016. The produce of this enterprise reflects the multinational state structure of the Russian Federation, the main events of interior and international life, achievements of the humanity in all fields of knowledge, rich flora and fauna of our country, cultural and historical heritage of the peoples living there.